All you need to know
Technical Information for Sea2Soil

Compatibility tank mix recommendations for Sea2Soil

To ensure you are harnessing Sea2Soil’s full range of benefits when using the product as a supplement alongside other products including herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators, the team behind Sea2Soil has developed compatibility tank mix recommendations, as verified by Eurofins Ltd UK in 2024.


Compatibility tank mix recommendations for Sea2Soil

To ensure you are harnessing Sea2Soil’s full range of benefits when using the product as a supplement alongside other products including herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and plant growth regulators, the team behind Sea2Soil has developed compatibility tank mix recommendations, as verified by Eurofins Ltd UK in 2024.Many customers look to reduce the number of passes over the field, save time, and reduce labour costs by mixing Sea2Soil and agricultural chemicals in a single tank. However, not all products mix well together. Physical compatibility testing ensures that the chemicals will not react negatively (e.g., precipitate, clog nozzles, or form harmful byproducts) when mixed.All of the listed products are compatible and can be safely combined in the tank, improving operational efficiency and maximising the efficacy of pesticide applications by mixing compatible products.Each pesticide has a recommended application rate and a specific water volume per hectare. The correct rate ensures that the pesticide is effective without being under or over-applied, which could lead to poor control, environmental harm, or resistance development. Those in charge of applying the product must carefully read the labels of each pesticide to ensure they are using the right rate and water volume, with the water volume per hectare being particularly important because of its influence on the distribution of the pesticide on the crop. Incorrect rates or volumes can lead to ineffective pest control or damage to the crop.

For example:

A farmer is preparing for a spring herbicide application in a cereal crop field. They plan to apply Glyphosate (to control perennial weeds) and Stomp Aqua (to prevent germination of annual weeds) at the same time. Based on Eurofins’ compatibility testing, they know that these products can be mixed with Sea2Soil in the same tank. The farmer must:
  • Check the recommended rates for each product.
  • Use the correct water volume per hectare for effective spray coverage.
  • Follow label instructions carefully to avoid any adverse effects on the crop.

Eurofins Test & Reference Table

Product NameActive ingredient(s)Content of a.i nominalFormulation Type
Sea2SoilNitrogen Minerals Trace elements Amino AcidsN/DLI
Barclay Gallup Biograde 360 / Glyphosate 360
Barclay Gallup Super 360
Glyphosate360 g/LSL
OvationGlyphosate360 g/LSL
Roundup SonicGlyphosate450 g/LSL
Rattler/SnapperGlyphosate540 g/LSL
Wing-PDimethenamid-P pendimethalin212.5 g/L 250 g/LEC
Stomp AquaPendimethalin455 g/LCS
Barclay PropyzPropyzamide400 g/LSC
Kerb Flo 500Propyzamide500 g/LSC
Cythrin 500 ECCypermethrin500 g/LEC
Decis ProtechDeltamethrin15 g/LEW
CrystalFlufenacet Pendimethalin60 g/L 300 g/LEC
PontosFlufenacet Picolinafen240 g/L 100 g/LSC
3C Chlormequat 750Chlormequat750 g/LSL
ModdusTrinexapac-ethyl250 g/LEC
Boogie Xpro PlusBixafen Prothioconazole Spiroxamine55 g/L 110 g/L 250 g/LEC
Luxinum PlusCinmethlin714 g/LEC
BlueNNatural bacteria, M ethylobacterium symbioticumN/DLI
Nirvanaimazamox pendimethalin16.7g/L 250 g/LEC
Towerchlorotoluron diflufenican pendimethalin250 g/L 40 g/L 300 g/LSC
Cadou Metdiflufenican flufenacet metribuzin60 g/L 240 g/L 70 g/LSC
Chroniclependimethalin picolinafen320 g/L 16 g/LSC
Proclusaclonifen600 g/LSC
Tebucur 250tebuconazole250 g/LEW
Arizonafolpet500 g/LSC
Lybropyclostrobin200 g/LEC
Laminonelaminarin37 g/LSL
Tacazana Erabenzovindiflupyr prothioconazole75 g/L 150 g/LEC
Elatus Erabenzovindiflupyr prothioconazole75 g/L 150 g/LEC
Diadem XEfluxapyroxad mefentrifluconazole45.5 g/L 100 g/LEC
Vimoyisoflucypram50 g/LEC
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Product Data Sheet

Sea2Soil™ is a hydrolysed liquid fertiliser produced from farmed salmon (Salmo salar) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1069/2009. Characterised by a uniform nutritional composition of naturally occurring nitrogen, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, Sea2Soil™ enhances soil biology naturally and improves nutrient absorption, promoting plant growth and soil health. Naturally high in fat content it also promotes the growth of beneficial fungi which perform important functions within the soil in relation to nutrient cycling, disease suppression and water dynamics.


Product Data Sheet

Sea2Soil™ is a hydrolysed liquid fertiliser produced from farmed salmon (Salmo salar) in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1069/2009. Characterised by a uniform nutritional composition of naturally occurring nitrogen, minerals, trace elements and amino acids, Sea2Soil™ enhances soil biology naturally and improves nutrient absorption, promoting plant growth and soil health. Naturally high in fat content it also promotes the growth of beneficial fungi which perform important functions within the soil in relation to nutrient cycling, disease suppression and water dynamics.

SpecificationTypical Values
Nitrogen (N)5%
Phosphorus (P)0.7%
Potassium (K)0.6%
Calcium (Ca)0.6%
Magnesium (Mg)0.1%
Iron (Fe)190ppm
Zinc (Zn)60ppm
Copper (Cu)4ppm
Manganese (Mn)4ppm
Iodine (I)2ppm
Selenium (Se)1ppm
Dry Matter40-45%
Bulk Tankers22-27MT
Amino Acids - Typical Values (% as is)


A farmer is preparing for a spring herbicide application in a cereal crop field. They plan to apply Glyphosate (to control perennial weeds) and Stomp Aqua (to prevent germination of annual weeds) at the same time. Based on Eurofins’ compatibility testing, they know that these products can be mixed with Sea2Soil in the same tank. The farmer must:

  • Recommended dilution: 1:250
  • Recommended per application rate:
    • Foliar application: 4-8L/Hectare
    • Direct soil application: 6-12l/Hectare
    • Multiple applications can be made during the growing season.
  • Complete a bucket test for compatibility and test on a small area before mixing in the sprayer tank. When mixed with herbicides the fish oil in this product serves as a natural surfactant.
  • This product is pre-screened to 100μm but may contain larger particles. Screening is recommended prior to application through fine filters.
  • Thoroughly clean any filters within your equipment after each use.
  • Following application, a waiting period of at least 21 days must be observed before farmed animals are permitted to graze the land or before crops/herbage are harvested.
  • Organic farmers will need to demonstrate the need to use Sea2Soil™ as an external input and cannot apply it to edible parts of crops.
  • Record of application dates should be maintained for a minimum period of 2 years.

Instructions for use, handling and storage

  • Keep away from food, drink, and animal feeding stuffs. Keep out of reach of children.
  • IBCs – Store in its original, bunded, labelled, and closed container in dry, shaded, well-ventilated area away from other fertilisers, feeding stuffs and water supplies and to which no farm animals have access.
  • Bulk tanks – Suitable acid resistant tanks (e.g., fibreglass, stainless steel) must be well ventilated. Non-seasoned metal and mild steel should be avoided unless glass-lined or epoxy coated. Tank contents should be circulated regularly to avoid settlement. Vent tanks and purge with air before entry. Label tank appropriately with all warnings and ensure that safety data is within easy access.
  • Product is incompatible with strong oxidising agents, concentrated nitric acid and very alkaline products such as potassium silicate and soluble humates.
  • Product should be stored in its original state (i.e., undiluted) prior to use. Once diluted, use within 24 hours.
  • Product may settle if stored for long periods. If this happens mix well to ensure homogenization prior to use.

Safety Precaution

Operator Protection

  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wash concentrated product from skin or eyes immediately. Do not breathe in spray or fumes.
  • Wear suitable protective clothing (coveralls), suitable protective gloves and rubber boots to prevent extended or chronic skin contact when applying with hand-held equipment.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation when diluting the concentrated product for use and when applying to soil with mechanical sprayer.
  • Wear approved safety glasses/goggles with side shields or appropriate respirator if aerosols are generated.
  • Wash all protective clothing thoroughly after use, especially the inside of gloves.
  • Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking, or smoking and after work.
  • Product in 1000kg IBCs may weigh over 1 tonne. Forklift with 2 tonne lifting capacity is recommended.

Environmental Precautions

  • Keep the product contained and do not allow to enter drains or water courses.
  • Report spillage and uncontrolled discharges to water courses (or public waters) immediately to local authorities and environmental agencies.
  • Do not apply directly to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high-water mark.
  • Water used to clean equipment must be disposed of correctly to avoid contamination of surface water and nearby water ways.

Shelf Life

The product is stable for a minimum of 12 months when stored under recommended storage conditions.

Declaration & Restrictions

  • Category 2 Animal By-Product (originating from aquatic animals).
  • Produced in accordance with Method 7 of Commission Regulation (EU) 142/2011; Annex IV; Chapter IV, K.
  • Not for animal or human consumption.
  • The raw materials and processing aids used during the manufacture of this product are non-GMO.

Any recommendations provided by Pelagia (UK) Limited, or its Distributors are advice only. As no control can be exercised over storage, handling, mixing, application or use, or weather, plant, or soil conditions before, during or after application (all of which may affect the performance of the product), no responsibility for, or liability for any failure in performance, losses, damages, or injuries (consequential or otherwise), arising from such storage, mixing, application, or use will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever. Pelagia (UK) Limited recommend you contact an Agronomist prior to product application. The Buyer assumes all responsibility for the use of any Pelagia (UK) Limited products.


Safety Data Sheet

The official Safety Data Sheet reference for Sea2Soil™.

View online or download as required.


Safety Data Sheet

Section 1 - Product & Company Identification

1.1 Product Identifier:

Product Identifier:Hydrolysed fish protein
Trade Name:Sea2Soil
Synonym:Fish Protein Hydrolysate; Salmon Hydrolysate

1.2 Relevant Identified Uses:

Intended Use:Soil Improver

1.3 Supplier:

Company Name:Pelagia (Bressay) Ltd, Heogan, Bressay, Shetland ZE2 9EW, UK
Telephone No.:+44 1595 820 223

1.4 Emergency Contact:

Call NHS 24 (Scotland) on 111

Section 2 - Hazards Identification

2.1 Classification of the Substance

Acute Toxicity (Oral) No dataH302 - Harmful if swallowed.
Acute Toxicity (Inhalation) 3H335 - May cause respiratory irritation.
P304+P340 - If inhaled, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
Skin Corrosion/Irritation 3H316 - Causes mild skin irritation.
P302+P352 - If on skin, wash with plenty of soap and water.
P333+P313 - If skin irritation or rash occurs get medical advice/attention.
Eye Damage/Irritation 2AHH320 - Contact can cause mild irritation of eyes.
P305+P351+P338 - If in eye, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.
Respiratory Sensitization 1BH334 - May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulty if inhaled.
P342+P311 - If experiencing respiratory symptoms, call a poison centre or doctor/physician.
Skin Sensitization No DataProlonged skin contact could result in dermatitis in sensitive individuals.
P303+P361+P353 - If on skin, remove/take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.

2.2 Label Elements

Signal WordsWarning

Section 3 - Composition / Information on Ingredients

NameEC No.CAS No.Content
Salmon emulsionN/AN/A95-97%
Stabilising acid (formic acid)200-579-164-18-63-5%
Glyceroltriheptanoate (GTH)N/A620-67-70.025%

Section 4 - First Aid Measures

4.1 Description of First Aid Measures:

Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.

4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and chronic:

Acute:Skin, and mucous membrane irritation
Chronic:Prolonged contact may cause allergic skin reaction in sensitive individuals.
Inhalation:Move to fresh air immediately. If breathing stops, provide artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately.
Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, place on left side and keep head low. Seek medical help.
Skin Contact:Wash off with soap/detergent and plenty of wash until all evidence of product is removed. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists.
Eye Contact:Flush eyes immediately with water for 15 minutes with the eyelid held wide open. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do so and continue flushing. Get medical advice if irritation persists.

Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures

5.1 Extinguishing Media:

Class B fire extinguishers. CO2, Water*, Foam.

5.2 Special Hazards arising from the substance or mixture:

Not known.

5.3 Advice for Firefighters:

Treat as Class A. Isolate area from personnel. Keep personnel upwind of fire.

Use self-contained breathing apparatus to fight large fires.

Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures

6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures

Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not breathe in spray or fumes.

6.2 Environmental Precautions

Contain product and do not allow to enter drains or water courses. Report spillage and uncontrolled discharges to water courses (or public waters) immediately to local authorities and environmental agencies.

6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up

Wear necessary PPE observing precautions in Section 8, Personal Protection. Stop the leak or release if you can do so without risk. Keep out unprotected personnel and animals.

For small liquid spills, soak up with damp earth, sand, or other non-combustible absorbent material. Place the material in suitable labelled containers for disposal.

For larger spills, contain the liquid by damming it with absorptive materials and pump into labelled containers for recovery or disposal. Soak up remainder with absorbent material and place in suitable labelled containers for disposal.

Spills may produce slippery surfaces. Employ appropriate sanitation procedures to reduce risk.

Treat or dispose of waste material in accordance with local, regional, and national requirements. Open burning or dumping of this material is prohibited.

Section 7 - Handling and Storage

7.1 Precautions for safe handling

Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Handle product with caution and ensure adequate ventilation. When used as a fertiliser, do not apply directly to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high-water mark. Water used to clean equipment must be disposed of correctly to avoid contamination.

7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibles

IBCs - Store in its original, labelled, and closed container in dry, shaded, well-ventilated area away from other fertilisers, feedstuffs, and water supplies.

Bulk tanks – Tanks must be well ventilated. Non-seasoned metal should be avoided. pH should be monitored and adjusted as required and tank contents should be circulated regularly to avoid settlement. Vent tanks and purge with air before entry.

Product is incompatible with strong oxidising agents and concentrated nitric acid.

7.3 Specific end uses

Soil improver.

Section 8 - Exposure Control / Personal Protection

8.1 Control Parameters

Formic acid, CAS 64-18-6 Salmon emulsion GTH

IOELV 8hr 9mg/m3 Not established Not established

IOELV Short-term Not established Not established Not established

8.2 Exposure controls –
All PPE should be selected and worn in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/425

Respiratory Equipment:Not required for normal use.
Hand/Skin Protection:Wear appropriate clothing (impervious) and protective gloves to prevent extended or chronic skin contact.
Eye Protection:Wear approved safety glasses/goggles with side shields or appropriate face shield if aerosols are generated.
Other Protection:Gas monitoring equipment.
Hygiene Measures:Wash hands after handling, and before eating, drinking and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.
Environmental controls:Use adequate ventilation.

Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties

AppearanceViscous, brown liquid
pH (1:1w/water)3.5-4.5
Melting pointN/A
Boiling point105-110°C
Flash PointN/A
Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1)0.8
Flammable Limits (LEL/UEL)N/A
Vapour density (Air=1)N/A
Ignition temperatureN/A
Decomposition temperatureUnknown
Water SolubilitySoluble 40-55%
Specific Gravity (H20=1)0.98-1.05kg/m3

Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity

StabilityStable under recommended storage conditions
Conditions to avoidpH above 4, DIRECT SUNLIGHT
Materials to avoidOxidising agents, mild steel, aluminium
Hazardous decomposition productsAmmonia, hydrogen gas, methane, hydrogen sulphide
Hazardous PolymerizationNot known to occur

Section 11 - Toxicological Information

Acute toxicityNo data available
Skin corrosion/irritationNo data available
Serious eye damage/eye irritationNo data available
Respiratory or skin sensitisationNo data available
Germ cell mutagenicityNo data available
CarcinogenicityNo component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible, or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC
Reproductive toxicityNo data available
STOT - single exposureNo data available
STOT - repeated exposureNo data available
Aspiration hazardNo data available

Section 12 - Ecological Information

EcotoxicityNot determined specifically for this mixture
DegradabilityEasily degraded
Bio-accumulative potentialNo data available
Mobility in soilNo data available
Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentNo data available

Section 13 - Disposal Considerations

ProductDisposal in accordance with local, national, or international laws, ordinances, and statutes.
PackagingDisposal in accordance with local, national, or international laws, ordinances, and statutes.

Section 14 - Transport Information

UN NumberNot regulated
DOT (US)Not dangerous goods
IMDGNot dangerous goods
IATANot dangerous goods
IMONot dangerous for sea transport

Section 15 - Regulatory Information

Labelling according to EU DirectivesCouncil Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91

Section 16 - Other Information

Risk Phrases:
R36/38Irritating to eyes and skin
Safety Phrases:
S2Keep out of reach of children
S24/25Avoid contact with skin and eyes
S37/39Wear gloves and eye/face protection
S60This material and its contents must be disposed of as hazardous waste

The information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We do not suggest or guarantee that any hazards listed herein are the only ones which exist. Pelagia (Bressay) Limited makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, concerning the safe use of this material in your process or combination with any other substances. Effects can be aggravated by other materials and/or this material may aggravate or add to the effects of other materials. This material may be released from gas, liquid or solid materials made directly or indirectly from it. User has the sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the materials for any use and the manner of use contemplated. User must meet all applicable safety and health standards.


Sea2Soil announces results of recent studies with NIAB and The University of Nottingham

Pelagia UK’s fish hydrolysate brand, Sea2Soil, is excited to announce key findings from its 2024 season farm-set trials and non-replicated conventional study in collaboration with the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and The University of Nottingham, respectively.


Sea2Soil announces results of recent studies with NIAB and The University of Nottingham

Pelagia UK’s fish hydrolysate brand, Sea2Soil, is excited to announce key findings from its 2024 season farm-set trials and non-replicated conventional study in collaboration with the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and The University of Nottingham, respectively.

Testing Sea2Soils’ efficacy against cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB) damage as well as its impact on worm count, pH, carbon retention, moisture, porosity, and organic matter, these trials have proven that Sea2Soil can:

  • Reduce CSFB damage to cotyledons by 32%
  • Reduce CSFB damage to leaves by 90%
  • Reduce CSFB damage to stems by 59%
  • Increase earthworm numbers by 1.85M worms/Ha - 5 times the control
  • Increase Soil Organic Matter content to 9.1% vs 6.7% (control soils)
  • 1.2% increase in soil carbon content

Beginning at the start of the 2024 season, the non-replicated conventional study took place at The University of Nottingham’s test farm - where Sea2Soil had been applied in its recommended dose for three years (brackets removed), to gather data on Sea2Soil’s impact on worm count, pH, carbon retention, moisture, porosity, and organic matter - while trials were being run at NIAB’s greenhouse testing facility - where Sea2Soil was tested as a deterrent to cabbage stem flea beetle.

Grant James, Business Development Manager at Sea2Soil, said: “We are very excited about these results and are keen to move forward with our distribution plan. Sea2Soil is a very active fish hydrolysate, produced in Scotland from responsibly resourced unused fish by-products and delivered directly to farms throughout the UK. To be able to take this ground-breaking product out to distributors backed by proven data is invaluable.”

Dr Nick Girkin from The University of Nottingham, added: “These results indicate substantial impacts for Sea2Soil on soil physical, chemical and biological properties, likely to benefit crop production. We have identified significant increases in earthworm abundance organic content, pH, soil moisture and porosity.”

Adrian Harris BS, MSc from NIAB, commented: “Sea2Soil showed a significant reduction in the feeding of cabbage stem flea beetles on cotyledons within 2 days of application – several different rates showed a reduction in feeding damage up to 7 to days after application and may convey cover until they senesce.”

Dr Geraldine Fox, Technical Director at Pelagia Ltd, concluded: “We see Sea2Soil as far more than a natural source of nitrogen, but as a soil prebiotic that leads to a healthier soil environment, and better crop health with an increase in microbial activity. For the past three years, we have been refining our process to produce this product, a product we can proudly say delivers on yield responses, reduces reliance on chemical inputs and is farmer friendly, as backed by research.”

The Results in More Detail:

Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle

Conducting greenhouse trials NIAB has been comparing the effects Sea2Soil treated soil has on plant tissues (cotyledons, leaves, stems) from one to 22 days after treatment vs untreated soil. NIAB found:

  • At its peak on day 7, cotyledons showed a 32% reduction in feeding scars

Earthworm Count

The research found that:

  • Sea2Soil soils had an average earthworm count of 9.0 vs the control soils at 1.6, which is 5 times the number of earthworms

Playing an essential role in agriculture due to their noted key functions - soil aeration, nutrient recycling, improved soil structure, microbial activity stimulation and carbon sequestration; earthworms likely recognising the amino acids and fatty acids in Sea2Soil soil as an easily digestible and nutritious food source.

Soil Porosity and Organic Matter

A critical property of soil that refers to the volume of pore spaces between soil particles, which can be filled with air or water, the size and distribution of these pores have significant implications for various soil functions including maintaining a balance of water, air, and nutrients within the soil, all of which are essential for plant growth, soil health, and the overall functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.

The research demonstrated that soil that had been treated with Sea2Soil was more porous at the surface, and lower depths, far beneath the compaction ridge that forms during conventional farming methods.

During these trials, it was also discovered that soils treated with Sea2Soil saw a significant increase in soil organic matter content at 9.1% vs the control soils at 6.7%.

Soil Carbon Content

With attention around soil carbon content and capture only increasing, playing a critical role in agricultural sustainability and climate mitigation, this phase of research took the time to analyse and explore any potential impact Sea2Soil has.

  • Sea2Soil soils had a soil carbon content of 4.65% a significant increase on the control soils at 3.45% (p = 0.003)

These findings are particularly exciting, with the change of 1.2% actually being a substantial shift considering the comparatively short time period Sea2Soil has been detectable in the soil.

Following the announcement of this exciting data, Sea2Soil will be continuing its work with both the Nottingham University Soil Department and NIAB into 2025 to further explore the capabilities of the product through replicated studies as well as extended field trials, respectively.

In light of these results, Sea2Soil is also excited to announce it has new opportunities available for distributors to join their network. Any interested parties are encouraged to register their interest with Grant at or by calling 07976 879646.


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We have worked with agronomists and farmers to develop a 100% organic, regenerative soil improver.


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