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A new way to add traditional support to your crops

Sea2Soil is the UK’s first fish hydrolysate approved as an organic soil improver. Using responsibly sourced fish by-products, we’ve created a Soil Association Approved commercial application that is proven to improve your soil and promote natural, sustainable growth.
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About Us
100+ years of history

Pelagia has an over a centuary of utilising fish and fish by-products from human consumption processing to produce valuable and highly nutritious feed materials.
Long before circular economy waste management and waste valorisation became buzz words, Pelagia has been recycling 100% of fish waste to produce economically important products.

Pelagia is a leading producer of pelagic fish products for human consumption, and a supplier of essential ingredients in all kinds of fish and animal feed; protein concentrates, fish meal and fish oil.
Utilising Pelagia’s expertise Dr Geraldine Fox and her team has developed the UKs first liquid fish hydrolysate approved by Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) for use as an organic soil improver which is also approved as an input to organic farming systems by the Soil Association. 

Sea2Soil revives a traditional farming method that time has forgotten, one which aligns with the path of regenerative farming.
“Harnessing fish hydrolysate, which is full of nitrogen and other nutrients, through the accredited Sea2Soil product, almost sounded too good to be true. Sea2Soil has now been tested on my farms, and the results reflected exactly what I expected to see - an uplift in plant and soil health. The market for it is growing, the demand is absolutely there, and Sea2Soil is answering the call”
RegenBen (Ben Taylor-Davies)
Widely-Acclaimed Agronomist & Farmer

The Story So Far
Creation Of A New Product

Pelagia has an over a centuary of utilising fish and fish by-products from human consumption processing to produce valuable and highly nutritious feed materials.
It may have all started as a happy coincidence when farmers observed that plants performed better when decomposing fish were left near them, but thanks to science and research, we now have a good understanding of how fish material positively affects crops and the soils that support them.
In 2019, our processing plant in Bressay on the Shetland Isles expanded its operations and obtained a licence to utilise the by-products from Scottish salmon farms with the aim of zero waste from this industry. Here in the UK, this type of product would ordinarily have gone into anaerobic digestion as a feedstock where the beneficial nutrients and characteristics of the hydrolysate are somewhat diluted by other stock materials. Our goal is to retain the integrity of the rich source of essential amino acids, fats, macro- and micronutrients contained in the hydrolysate and offer it in as pure a form as possible that can be easily incorporated into many formulations

Sea2Soil is a fully organic soil improver, containing a full range of naturally balanced amino acids, fatty acids and an array
of macro and micronutrients, Sea2Soil is an alternative to synthetic inputs.

Want to benefit from a truly organic soil improver?

Our farmers are reaping the rewards this season, talk to us to see how you can be next season.
Get A Quote

How It Works
An Organic Cycle Of Improvement


Sea2Soil is a rich energy source for beneficial fungi, which perform important functions in the soil, such as nutrient cycling, disease suppression, water dynamics and carbon sequestration.


Sea2soil provides key nutrients, increasing populations of healthy soil bacteria which play an important role in improving soil structure and fertility.

Nematodes & Protozoa

Play a pivotal role in nutrient cycling, improving soil structure and promoting better root development.

Higher-Level Consumers

Consume bacteria, excreting nutrients in a bioavailable form that plants can utilise.

Without the correct soil biology plants will struggle to reach their full potential.
“Sea2Soil represents exactly what the farming industry needs right now - a completely organic, regenerative means to improve crop throughput, whilst utilising a waste product.

I have seen the positive effects of the product. The dry conditions of spring and summer 2022, presented many challenges in a number of different crops, especially maintaining plant nutrition and managing the associated stresses. There were visible benefits for maintaining growth in the herbal ley established in May which received a 10 lt/ha of Sea2Soil application through fertiliser streamer nozzles in June. This application stimulated a good deal of growth within three weeks in a very dry time. Two applications of 10 lt/ha of Sea2Soil on the spring beans during the same dry spell improved the canopy growth of the beans and removed the chlorotic symptoms of stress.

I’d highly recommend farmers taking advantage of this new product.”
Paul Davey, Grisby Grange

Arable Innovator of the Year 2021 – Silver

Sea2Soil is a high quality, cost effective soil improver for use in both conventional and organic farming.

  • Promotes better root growth and structure.
  • Enhances soil biology, promoting beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.
  • A biologically active soil has the ability to retain moisture, release nutrients and increase nutrient availability.
  • Providing nutrients in a bioavailable form, feeding both the plant and the soil.
  • Aids natural resistance to fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens in growing plants.
  • Helps to rebalance the soil biology, creating a healthier soil and a more productive plant.

Sea2Soil in the press.

Our year in review
Our year in review
As the end of 2024 and the seasonal festivities approach, a little too quickly might we add, we couldn’t think of a better time to reflect on what the last 12 months have brought Sea2Soil, and the journey we’ve been on this year.  It’s sa...
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Results of recent studies with NIAB and UoN
Results of recent studies with NIAB and UoN
Sea2Soil announces results of recent studies with NIAB and The University of Nottingham  Pelagia UK’s fish hydrolysate brand, Sea2Soil, is excited to announce key findings from its 2024 season farm-set trials and non-replicated conventional study...
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Lay solid foundations for next year’s yield with Sea2Soil 
Lay solid foundations for next year’s yield with Sea2Soil 
Regenerative farming is undoubtedly a hot topic. And while it may still be deemed as a ‘forward-thinking approach’ by the industry at large, regenerative farming has emerged as a significant trend for a significant reason.  Not only does it...
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Typical Analysis
Give your crops all the nutrients they need by directly improving your soil health.

Amino Acid Content
Fatty Acid Content
Dry Matter Content
Amino Acid Content
Fatty Acid Content
Dry Matter Content

Application Rates:

Sea2Soil can be applied (after dilution) to the soil, as a foliar spray or in an irrigation system.

We recommend application rates of:

  • Foliar applicant - 4-8L per hectare applied 3-6 times a year
  • Direct soil applicant – 6-12L per hectare

Seek advice from your agronomist before using and applying Sea2Soil and for use in organic production.

Important Information

Sea2Soil cannot be applied to any edible part of the plant. If applied to grass a withdrawal period of 21days is required before grazing animals are turned out onto the pasture.

Before use, complete a jar test for compatibility and test on a small area first. When mixed with herbicides the fish oil in this product serves as a natural surfactant when foliar spraying.

Contact UsGet More Info

Get in contact using the form below or by calling us on 01472 263 333

We have worked with agronomists and farmers to develop a 100% organic, regenerative soil improver.


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